What is the difference Between 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu and other BJJ? (2024)

Table of content

1. What is the 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu? 1.1. Idea Behind the Name of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu 1.2. Background 1.3. Equipment 1.4. Techniques 1.5. 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu Rules 1.6. Ranking system 2. What is BJJ? 2.1. Background 2.2. Equipment 2.3. Techniques 2.4. Rules 2.5. Ranking system 3. Difference between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ 4. In Conclusion

The greatest difference between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the fundamental variation in some of the basic techniques. This whole system was devised by Eddie Bravo, who revolutionized the whole concept of BJJ by incorporating many new and different techniques.

1. What is the 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu?

What is the difference Between 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu and other BJJ? (1)

Photo credit: @wikipedia

Jiu-Jitsu means gentle art. The term “10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu” was coined by Eddie Bravo. It consists of No-gi grappling with some new techniques. It advocates self-defense techniques. It is an advanced combination of BJJ and MMA.

It focuses on real-life situations. No fighter wears BJJ Gi all the time so, 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu’s focal point is coaching all the no-gi techniques so that when fighters are caught in a fighting situation, they can tackle the situation.

1.1. Idea Behind the Name of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu

Eddie Bravo is famous for his techniques, he came up with a different school system of BJJ named “10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu”, Now there are over 100 schools Worldwide and headquartered in Los Angles, CA. Eddie Bravo also runs a submission-only Jiu-Jitsu competition known as Eddie Bravo Invitational.

Because according to American author Zecharia Sitchin, on the 10th planet lives a genus known as Anunnaki, who are considered way sharper than the ordinary humans of Earth. Eddie Bravo trained his form of Jiu-Jitsu in the 10th planet school. Bravo’s most famous techniques are rubber guard and twister.

1.2. Background

Eddie Bravo is the founder of the 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu school. He was a student of Jean Jacques Machado at his institute in Los Angeles, California. He was the first Jiu-Jitsu fighter who was able to defeat Royler Gracie while still being a brown belt. He defeated the legendary Royler Gracie by using 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu techniques. After that, he was awarded a Black Belt by Jean Jacques Machado.

After becoming the ADCC Champion, he established the 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu institute in LA, California in 2003.

1.3. Equipment

Followings are the gear and equipment used in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu:

Rash Guard

As there is no Gi in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, Rash Guard is worn to absorb the sweating during training or fighting. It provides safety from unnecessary cuts and bruises. It can be long or short-sleeve rash guards.

Grappling Shorts

Shorts are worn to move easily during a fight. They do not wear off easily. They have great elasticity. BJJ athletes can comfortably roll in the gym or in a BJJ tournament.

Groin Protectors

The groin area is very much exposed during the game, it must be protected and for this purpose, groin protectors are used. It prevents fracturing, tearing down, or breaking any tissue, ligament, or bone.

Head Gear

Head gear or head armor is used to protect the skull from injury. The pulling of the head during the fight can cause contusion in the head progressing to the ear which can damage the cartilage leading to a disease called cauliflower ear. It can have a great impact on hearing.

Finger Tape

Hands are the mostly used and exposed parts of the body. During combat, struggling is done through fingers so to protect the phalanges, finger tape is used. It keeps the phalanges guarded at all times.

Mouth Guard

A mouth guard is used to keep the mouth safe at all times. It protects teeth from breaking as any accident may occur during the fight.

Spat Pants

Some fighters wear spat pants under shorts. They also allow effortless movement and can help you avoid rashes and skin infections like ringworm.

1.4. Techniques

The Lockdown

It is a No-Gi half-guard technique innovated by Bravo’s 10th planet system. The equilibrium of your opponent is disrupted by hooking the exposed leg. Your opponent loses his balance and allows you to sweep.


It is done by controlling the back. For that purpose, the rival's legs are locked down, and then his head is pulled down by grabbing his arms. It creates pressure on the spine, thrusting the opponent into submission.

Rubber Guard

It is one of the most famous moves by Eddie Bravo. It does not let the opponent take control if done properly. It can control the opponent with one leg and one arm. The player grabs his own legs over the neck of his opponent. The hold must be very strong. It will not allow the opponent to change his position. And thus, it will cause the opponent to submit.

The Truck

The truck consists of an attack by rolling backward. When your opponent is in the turtle position, gain control over him by grabbing his leg and then dropping down over your shoulder so that your rival ceases to move.

Bolt cutter

It is applied when your rival is in the truck position and gains an advantage by tightly holding his hands. It is actually a grip break.

1.5. 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu Rules

  • Heel hook is not allowed in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu as it leads to the intertwining of Gi pants.
  • Mechanical moves are used because the No-Gi style fighting resists the use of many BJJ techniques.
  • The respect of referees and trainers is endorsed and maintained.
  • Cleanliness is maintained throughout because physical contact can cause skin diseases.
  • Slapping, slamming, punching, or pulling of hair is not allowed.
  • Honoring the decision of the referee is a prerequisite.
  • Once the players have stepped on the mat, they are not allowed to back off.

1.6. Ranking system

Basically, the belt is a part of Gi but the same ranking system is used by the 10th planet school system.

2. What is BJJ?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu emerged in Brazil and is among the finest types of martial arts around the globe. It is considered among the top grappling martial arts and the foremost self-defense technique in the world. Physical appearance does not matter in BJJ, as long as you have mastered the techniques and have agility and flexibility.

The plus point is that you can defeat a fighter two times greater than your size and power just because you have more flexibility, better knowledge, and execution strategy of all the moves. Joint locks and submission attacks stop the opponent giving you the upper hand. It teaches chokeholds, joint locks, and ways to defeat bigger and stronger opponents.

The main aim of BJJ is to utilize hands and legs to clasp, lock or cripple your rival. Other techniques, movements, positions, and submissions are also used in BJJ like guard position to constrain or lock an opponent's position.

2.1. Background

It originated in Japan and then spread around the globe from Brazil. Jigoro Kano is credited for the creation of Jiu-Jitsu. In 1897, Mitsuyo Maeda began training with Kano. Maeda went to Brazil and began coaching Jiu-Jitsu and Judo to Gracies. Gracie's family learned this martial art from Japanese masters and devoted their lives to mastering, fighting, and propagating Jiu-Jitsu in the whole world.

2.2. Equipment


It is a Japanese term that means uniform. It is the traditional uniform for BJJ. It is composed of tough and durable material to last long. The cuffs on the jacket and pants are tighter. It is a traditional fit must for the fight.

The fabric for BJJ Gi is cotton. Gi must not be longer than the thighs of the fighter.


A belt is used to keep the Gi in place. The major purpose of the belt is to signify the rank of the player. These ranks are as follows:

  • White belt is the first BJJ adult belt rank.
  • Blue belt is the second adult belt rank.
  • Purple belt is the third adult belt rank.
  • Brown belt is the fourth adult belt rank.
  • Black belt is the fifth adult belt rank.

Other higher belt ranks are as follows:

  • Red/Black belt, also called coral belt.
  • Red/White belt (8th-degree black belt)
  • Red Belt (9th and 10th Degree Black Belt.)

Mouth Guard

It is used to protecting the mouth and teeth during a fight.

Knee Pads

These are used to keep the knee joint from any injury.

Elbow Pads

Elbow pads are used to protect synovial joints. During a fight, there is a massive chance of falling in a way that all pressure comes on the elbow. So, in this type of situation elbow joints are used to avert the breaking of any bone.

Gear Bag

It is also called a duffle bag. It is used to place all the tools which are used in BJJ. These BJJ gym bags have great magnitude so, from GI to water bottles everything can be placed in it.

2.3. Techniques

Grappling, sparring, and rolling are the right terms for describing the practice in which BJJ practitioners practice and implement all the techniques and moves. A player must be skilled in it to have an upper hand. The skill level and classification of bouts fully depend on the color of the belt, gender, weight, and age of the contenders. Following are some techniques used in BJJ.

Knee Mount

It is also called Knee on Belly. In this position, the player's knee is on the rib or abdomen part of the opponent. It puts all the pressure of the player's body on the opponent, making his respiration strenuous. As a result, the rival is forced to submit.

Rear Mount

Back control is another name for Rear Mount. It gives the player the most domineering position as he is at the back of the contender, he can initiate deadly RNC. A contender can not see the player and his moves. It is one of the most advantageous positions.

Full Mount

Being on top of your rival, a player can easily obstruct the rival's movements. A straight compulsion is brought down on the rival's midriff which obstructs his respiration and causes him to choke.

Side Mount

In this state, the player is at the top of the rival's body and executing full compression. The hands of the contender are not free. The player puts enormous pressure on the rival, forcing him to submit.


It is a complex defensive position in which a player can either be on the top or at the bottom of a rival, making the breathing process hard. It is a dangerous position because a rival can put his whole weight on the player taking control in his hands.

  • The fighter's back is exposed during the fight.
  • The fighter rolls up to a defensive position where his neck and limbs are close.
  • After which the fighter applies pressure and the opponent submits.

Close Guard

It seems to be the easiest guard and is taught to beginners. It only allows free movement to the person on the bottom as well as an easy approach to submission and sweeps.

  • In this state, the person on the floor is in an advantageous position having his legs locked around the spine of the rival.
  • The fighter uses the opponent’s Gi to pull him forward by bringing his own knees to his face.
  • After pulling the opponent forward, the fighter hooks his hands on the opponent’s back and exerts pressure on his spine.

Open Guard

An Open Guard can be executed by having physical contact with the arms and legs of the opponents. Even with the sleeves or lapel of the opponent's gi. It is a guard where the fighter's ankles are not crossed around his opponent's back.

  • The fighter places his feet on the opponent's ribs.
  • The fighter uses his legs to keep the opponent from grabbing him.
  • The opponent’s hand is stretched by the fighter which leads him to fall down.

Half Guard

  • It is the ground grappling position in which a player is lying on the mat.
  • The fighter uses the opponent's collar to bring his head under the fighter's arm.
  • The fighter then uses his hands to hook the opponent's thigh.

2.4. Rules

  • Before the advent of the fight, combatants face each other showing mutual respect.
  • The decision of the referee is considered final if points are tied at the end of the match.
  • No slamming or hair-pulling is allowed during the match.
  • After stepping on the mat, there is no going back from the fight.

2.5. Ranking system

Fighters are awarded ranks according to the color of their belt. White is the lowest and Black is the highest belt color. The division of scores is as follows:

Guard pass3 points
Knee on Belly2 points
Mount4 points
Sweeps2 points
Takedowns2 points
Back Control4 points

3. Difference between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ

The difference between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and Gi BJJ is that Gi is a must in BJJ and the 10th planet system is No-Gi only.

The main difference is the techniques introduced by Master Eddie Bravo.

Due to some rules and techniques, difference occurs but the main element of difference is the presence and absence of the traditional Gi, attire of BJJ.

When BJJ was at the top of its stardom, its practitioners only thought of Gi. It is because in the 1900s, it was the traditional dress for martial arts in Japan. In 2003, Eddie Bravo came up with this unique idea of Jiu-Jitsu without Gi and with some new mechanical moves, which we now call 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu.

10th Planet Jiu-JitsuBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu
It consists of fighting without Gi.Gi is a must wear in BJJ.
The rash guard becomes compulsory due to absence of Gi.Rash guard is not a necessary requirement of Gi uniform.
Belt is only used to rank the fighters.Belt is the part of Gi.
No-GI Jiu-Jitsu is specifically curated for MMA.Gi Jiu-Jitsu was developed from Japanese Jiu-Jitsu.
Based on real life situations.Focuses less on real life situations.
It has a broad and open minded vision due to which new ways are welcomed.Adheres strictly on the rules made by BJJ traditionalists.
It has a faster and more lethal fighting style and techniques.It has a rather slower fighting style.
It clinches the opponent by the use of hands only.It uses Gi to grasp and pull your rival.
Joint Manipulation by new techniques are special moves of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu.Submission grappling and ground fighting are the main techniques of BJJ.
It includes strikes that is why it is better for self-defense.It does not allow strikes.
Takedown is the pivot of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu.Ground fighting is mastered in BJJ, so takedowns aren't necessary.
Lockdown and rubber guard are utilized in it.Collar and sleeve grips are used in BJJ.
Bow and arrow choke is not a part of it.In BJJ, Bow and arrow choke is a very important submission technique.
In no Gi, submission holds prime importance instead of position.Its exertion is on positions i.e, the rival is brought into a situation favorable to the player and then he submits.
The Twister technique is used to bring the rival immediately into submission as it applies pressure on the spine.The twister is not allowed in BJJ as it is a very dangerous move.
Heel hooks are allowed in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu.Heel hooks are also considered illegal in BJJ.

4. In Conclusion

10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ both teach the technique of submissions and chokeholds. With Gi BJJ, many chokes can be performed through the cuff and collar grab. There are many differences between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ. Both still exert pressure on grappling. 10th Planet use more advanced techniques than BJJ as it is open to changes. Traditionalists always believed that there was only one way of playing BJJ with the techniques made by BJJ’s ancestors. On the other hand 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu consists of techniques that are very modern and allow a broad range of moves. Eddie Bravo revolutionized the whole system of BJJ to make it a new fighting style.

Photo credit: @QUINTET

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What is the difference Between 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu and other BJJ? (2024)


What is the difference Between 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu and other BJJ? ›

The biggest difference between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ is that they do not wear the gi in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. The 10th planted system created by Eddie Bravo was originally focused on jiu-jitsu for MMA. Since you do not wear a gi in MMA it did not make sense to him to train in the gi.

What is the 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu known for? ›

10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu is a non-traditional system of Brazilian jiu-jitsu developed by Eddie Bravo. It's a no-gi based style so the fighters use rash guards as their main fighting wear. 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu fighters are known to employ unorthodox guard positions and a distinct focus on leg lock attacks.

Is 10th Planet no-GI only? ›

10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu is a style of jiu-jitsu that focuses only on no-gi BJJ. Since they do not have Gi's you might be wondering if there is still a belt system at 10th Planet. 10th Planet does give out belts.

Does 10th Planet teach takedowns? ›

Takedown is the pivot of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu.

Does the 10th Planet do striking? ›

A 10PATX Front Desk member will reach out in the next few days to arrange your trial class in either our Jiu Jitsu or Striking Programs. Take a look at our Programs page to learn more about our classes, take a look at our schedules, and determine which class is right for you!

What is the difference between BJJ and 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu? ›

The biggest difference between 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ is that they do not wear the gi in 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. The 10th planted system created by Eddie Bravo was originally focused on jiu-jitsu for MMA. Since you do not wear a gi in MMA it did not make sense to him to train in the gi.

Does the 10th planet give belts? ›

Although physical belts are awarded to 10th Planet practitioners, they do not wear them during training, as the focus is on no-gi training.

Is the tenth planet missing? ›

Only three of the four episodes are currently held in the BBC archives; the last episode remains missing, although several short clips, including the regeneration sequence, have been discovered intact.

Does Judo teach takedowns? ›

You can be successful learning either Judo or wrestling takedowns. Judo's upright stance will be better for self defense, the grip fighting will make you tougher to takedown and you can use those grip breaks as a guard player or a passer. However I think wrestling is faster to learn, easier on the body to learn.

Do you learn takedowns in karate? ›

The programs focus on muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, concentration, and cardio and are available for all skills. Participants will learn takedowns, throws, strikes, self-defence, and joint locks.

Does the 10th Planet do stripes? ›

The 10th Planet belt system follows the BJJ belt system in terms of colors. Each color system is different for children and adults. However, we do not use stripes or wear our belts around because we don't train in the gi.

What's no gi jiu-jitsu? ›

Gi and No Gi are the two forms of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Gi Jiu-Jitsu is grappling with the use of a traditional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu uniform or Gi. It allows you to grab the clothing of your opponent to control or submit them. In No Gi Jiu-Jitsu, you don't wear the traditional uniform.

What is the most prestigious Jiu-Jitsu tournament? ›

The four Grand Slam tournaments are the World IBJJF Championship, the European IBJJF Championship, Pan IBJJF Championship and the CBJJ Brazilian National Championship. Winning all four tournaments within a single year is widely considered the most prestigious accomplishment in Brazilian jiu-jitsu competition.

What is the 10th Planet? ›

Answer: There is no known Planet X or 10th planet in our solar system. Scientists have been looking for about a hundred years. It was believed that such a planet was required to explain the orbital characteristics of the outer planets Uranus and Neptune.

Does the 10th Planet have weights? ›

A combination of cardio, plyometrics, dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells, come get in the best shape of your life.

What is the highest best in Jiu-Jitsu? ›

As with many other martial arts, the black belt is the highest common belt within Brazilian jiu-jitsu, denoting an expert level of technical and practical skill. Estimates of the time required to achieve the rank vary, but all holders of this rank have thousands of hours of experience.

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