The Story With Martha MacCallum : FOXNEWSW : July 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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course likes to attend he is just scranton joe. i don't think he knows much about what he is or isn't these days but, you know, the guy who actually connects with working people in this country is not fake scranton joe it is real president donald trump because they know -- [ applause ] >> because they know he has their best interests at heart. they know when he was president for four years, groceries and gas and energy and housing were actually affordable to a normal person in this country. after four years of the biden administration, the basic trappings of good middle-class life have became less and less attainable. in my home state of ohio the average family is about $10,000 poorer than they were four years ago. of course ronald reagan famously asked in a great debate, i think against jimmy carter, are you better off back in a debate i should say with jimmy carter

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argued better off than you were four years ago. i wasn't alive but i know millions of ohio families who would have answered the question with a resounding no. if you asked the opposite question, were you better off in 2019 and 2020 than in 2016, those same exact families would say absolutely yes. it is time to go back to the leadership of donald trump. it's time to get rid of the corrupt biden harassed regime that's broken this country and ruined it's reputation and made a basic middle-class life less affordable for our citizens. let's get rid of him and let's bring donald trump back to the white house. [ applause ] >> i got a bit of a taste of this over the last few days, it turns out secret service detail -- i thought about this instinctively this thing going

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on with americans -- [ laughter ] >> i know he hasn't driven a car in eight years because secret service -- just think -- he was talking about how normal working americans nobody wants to -- if you are standing up for the american worker, some of them drive meant -- >> martha: alright. jd vance making his first campaign appearance since being designated and named as vise presidential running mate of former president donald trump who is now the nominee for his party once again. we're going to keep an eye on that appearance. he said he would mix with the ground a little bit, answer some questions for them and save his big speech for tonight which is of course the marquee event of this third night of the

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republican convention here in milwaukee wisconsin which we will cover in it's entirety. i want to switch with our breaking news story that is developing in an extremely disturbing way over the past several hours. it reveals the investigation into what happened at the assassination attempt and it was clear that there was a suspicious person on the ground at the trump rally on saturday for as much as three hours prior to the shooting. the suspect raised so many red flags that somebody took this photo of him, a photo that was then circulated to all law enforcement officials there 30 minutes before the shooting, in other words they share this picture, not sure if it was shared with secret service, we are still learning the details on this. but clearly someone had this picture and we're looking for this guy and all those people jumping on the grass and pointing to a person on the

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roof, it is really stunning stuff. and in amounts -- and its amount of finger-pointing as the investigation moves forward. the new reports that a sniper saw thomas crookes looking through a rangefinder minutes before he fired his gun -- thomas crooks. now a troubling claim from a local official who is saying the local police, the butler local police were not doing security they had no security detail people at this event. they are really pushing back hard on this basically saying, the commissioner saying let me be perfectly crystal clear on this, the seven officers from the butler local police department were given traffic detail to take care of as all these thousands of people were arriving at this event. that seriously contradicts what we have heard from the head of secret service kim cheadle. as anger builds around this suspect and how he was able to

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get a clear shot off at the former president, we will talk to him and a moment about these breaking developments this hour. first to correspondent cb cotton covering these and breaking the news for. hello cb. >> reporter: hello martha nights see you. as we know finger-pointing continues between federal and local authorities that it was a secret service sniper who killed the gunman, thomas crooks but now we are learning a local police sniper also fired a shot towards the gunman but the district attorney emphasized he is not sure whether it injured the gunman in any way. stole the officer has been placed on administrative leave which is standard protocol for any officer involved in a shooting as you mention in the meantime though, more local officials are speaking out in pure anger towards the secret service after the agency director said during an abc news interview that local officers were inside the building the

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shooter position himself on but now there are conflicting reports from local media who set their own sources saying local officers were only positioned inside a nearby building and the butler township commissioner edward talley is emphasizing on facebook butler township police were not responsible for securing any building in the area of that rally. he wrote on facebook "anyone who says so reports on it, implies it, is uninformed, lying or covering their own backsides. i trust on being loud and clear ". wow. this is a new photo obtained by w. pxi a. chose a cell phone and transmitter device authorities found next to thomas cook's body after the attempted assassination. martha window he had exposes inside his car found parked near there rally as well as bomb making materials in the home of

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thomas crooks. it raises questions as to whether he had other plans as he opened fire from a building less than 200 euros from the stage per well-positioned on the rooftop which again the secret service says was a perimeter delegated to local law enforcement. as you are mentioning. our federal sources are telling us crookes was spotted acting suspicious before the rally and again several photos including this one were captured and exchanged among officers during a 30 minute window before the gunfire. we are speaking with locals and they tell us they want answers. >> you think this community would says. >> answers tweak truthfulness transparency. i'm disappointed that, you know, we are being handed empty excuses and lies. history was made and by the grace of god president trump is alive. you know, my prayers go out to

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what they are dealing with and the other injured people. >> reporter: martha the shooter reportedly received several packages labeled hazardous materials in recent months. back to you. >> martha: problematic swell thank you very much cb. right now top officials including fbi director ray are briefing lawmakers on the assassination attempt. so we are going to work to find out what their being told by the fbi director and we will bake in with that information as soon comes out. -- break. per student pete, afghanistan war veteran, it is great to have you with us. you know, you see this interview that the head of secret service did kimchi don't and she says the roof is sloped so we -- i'm

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not a secret service specialist but the sniper guys were on a roof that was even steeper. we are also learning just how long they knew there was somebody on these grounds. >> gross negligence before during and after. the secret service director should be fired and should resign in shame. secret service is responsible for everything on-site just like a commander would be. everything inside and outside through coordination especially to a site survey which military guys and secret service officers would have done to identify the gaps and vulnerabilities. we call them sector sketches. you have the primary and from there what can you see and cannot see. whatever you cannot see are there is a line of sight needs to be covered. either with a rifle, preferably a person are obstacle. the secret service usually does obstacles are a person. in this case if they didn't have enough people why didn't they ask him more or assigned in? then the day of your spotting a suspicious person for up to

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three hours? no one detains him tackle and stops him. there's a ladder involved how did he get it there and position it next to the building if it wasn't there yesterday and it's here today are wasn't there last our edits here this hour who put it there and what are they trying to do? this law enforcement officer takes a picture okay they are vigilant at some level but how is there no proactive follow up on that other than hey check your cell phone because an app is going out about this guy. then after ultimately we are not getting answers. no one is taking responsibility no one held accountable and the only way you clear this up and fix it is to be immediate and transparent and aggressive at every level. all we've seen from secret service is what? finger-pointing, not us, not you. selected roof... that is the single dumbest thing i've ever heard. that is a lie and if it is slightly true it is a reflection of safety study inside the secret service which has them way off course. >> martha: you wrote a book on this own what is so frightening as we all grow up with this notion of the secret service is

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the toughest and best there is, they are super organized, you know, we all remember the jfk videos, we've seen the reagan assassination attempt and we've seen these people interviewed and the people who make it to that level of the secret service are the cream of the crop right? so in this situation you had the same day the vice president kamala harris and the slaty had events as well that secret service has to covered. former president john has one there of security as the former president. and i'm told a few extra agents were added because he is also the gop nominee at this point. obviously not enough. >> obviously not enough and also we learned about this iranian threat that was out there to. you know, you kill sue money and they want to kill you to." find any opportunity to do so. they knew he was understaffed and they knew the kind of target he is. not at a macro level not enough resources dedicated and they

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will make excuses about one event are another but clearly it's not the 18 p. review gun women who cannot put their guns in the holster. >> that video so deeply disturbing -- >> a fetid agency distracted by social justice politically correct prerogatives like many more women in uniform. there are plenty women secret service agents i want the best. >> martha: it shouldn't matter if you are a man or woman as long as you are the absolute best. >> doesn't matter. >> martha: there should be height requirements for protecting someone who is 6 feet 2 inches. that just makes logical sense". more question for you, we are also ending this afternoon that the parents of thomas crooks were looking for him that day and they didn't know where he was and they had put a call out to law enforcement. so, you know, just assuming that we have basic technology in this country at thank you ought to be able to triangulate the fact this family is looking for this young man and the picture that is then circulated on the grounds. >> and wattles didn't know, they

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cracked his so pointedly case the joint when did he arrive we should have all that information and none of its being shared. where we not sharing this? wire when not reinstalling faith in these institutions, the fbi is already grated and chestnut are holding things back. >> if there is a homicide in this country right, as a news organization every several hours are at least on today we get a big briefing on here is where we are, you know, this is the evidence we have no but here's what we can say at this point. we all understand and accept that. what is going on? >> only going to read questions. >> martha: transfer and see all day long except as intuit thank you. >> thank you. >> martha: great to have a look as this afternoon. as we mention the fbi director ray is briefing senators behind closed doors on what the fbi has learned about the trump assassination attempt and a house briefing is going to follow that. interim chairman mike turner is standing by an illegal speak

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with him about what he hopes we'll be an opportunity to grow secret service chief kimberly cheadle on what he calls on its minimal and unbelievable security failures. what really happen here? there's a lot of layers to this story when they come back. >> do you thank the u.s. secret service director should resign? >> i'm going to go for resignation as well. look, i think it's inexcusable. just beyond the classified parts the things that we all understand character explanation to the media that there was a slant on the groups so there is a safety concern. >> martha: of sight for the shooter to. >> come on. it doesn't wash maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all in one place. with flexible hours and weekend appointments. plus 20% off treatment plans for everyone. loving our patients unconditionally.

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a lot of breaking news on this story about the assassination attempt on the life of former president donald

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trump and current gop candidate for the presidency. at this moment, top officials are behind closed doors including fbi director christopher ray briefing lawmakers on the attempt on former president donald trump's life. house oversight is issuing a subpoena for secret service director kimberly cheadle to testify on monday as lawmakers fumed increasingly over all of the lack of answers we are getting on any of this. >> should the roof have been secured. >> that building a predicament has a sloped roof at its highest point. so, you know, there is a safety factor that would be considered there and we wouldn't want to put somebody on a sloped roof so the decision was maid to secure the building from inside. >> martha: congressman mike turner is chairman of the intelligence committee and he joins us but first let's go to senior congressional correspondent chad program with the latest on capitol hill hello chad.

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>> martha good afternoon. house speaker mike johnson is consolidating the houses investigation of the shooting early next week he will create a task force, members of both parties will investigate the shooting. he is disappointed at information congress is receiving. >> the reason we're going to do it that way is because that is a more precision strike, it goes quicker. there's not a lot of procedural hurdles and we will have subpoena authority as well. we can powder pump inns and democrats to get down to the bottom of this quickly. >> house oversight committee chairman james culver issued a subpoena to the secret service director kimberly cheadle two hours ago that compels cheadle to appear at a hearing monday to there were concerns she may not show. >> we have to hold the secret service accountable. they clearly failed and they failed noaa that was only not the death of our nominee by pure fortune of turning his head.

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@the virtual senate briefing on the briefing just began. the director of fbi christopher ray is leading it. the house is up next. lawmakers have low expectations. >> i expect lipservice, political bs. i expect people covering their backsides because they know they screwed up. i don't expect to hear anything out of these bureaucrats that anybody would consider of confidence's. >> reporter: we are seeing increasing calls for cheadle to reside in. homeland security committee chairman mark green just requested a host of local pennsylvania officials to appear before his committee. martha. >> martha: check thank you. with that we bring in republic congressman from ohio mike turner and chair of the committee and briefed on the assassination attempt earlier this week by the fbi director. always good to have you and chairman thinking joining us. what can you tell us. obviously there are thanks you probably cannot tell us from

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these briefings but wonders your sense? >> this is outrageous. we have reports now of the iranian threat and the report is acting as if this is a new threat they should in responding to. this should have been unknown and continuous threat to president trump and his cabinet members as a result of the killing of cell many. it's been no peer it should have been baked in to the security platform and structure they had which certainly should have meant a 20-year-old could knock in on a sloped roof and shoot donald trump. as we unfold this it's clear there pre-- failures at every level. it's disheartening to thank how close we came. thank god he is alive but also relieved that the failures should have been easily remedied. >> martha: i want to to clarify that. are reporting yesterday said there is additional single source intelligence on a cramped up iranian threat that it wasn't

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just the existing threat that led to mike pompeo and others. is it new information? >> i can either confirm -- neither confirm nor deny the facts. but in comparison even if the issue is of a specific new threat it is just part of the continuation of the existing threat from arun. and especially when you take it coupled with director jerez statement of the word of the highest threat level for a terrorist attack of the -- as a result of the open border. individuals affiliated with terrorist groups and individuals, many of which iranian proxies, have been crossing the border at a rate here. you don't have the fbi knowing where they are are clearly the secret service taking into consideration the threat to the former president. >> martha: 's can cheadle the leader of secret service, is she going to testify monday? do you think she will show up? >> she's been issued a subpoena

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and it would be extraordinary for her not to show it. especially with the unbelievable focus on this issue. but i agree with the speaker, she should resign, so what else should be appointed that would not stop her from testifying beer she is still compelled to testify as to what happened and what their policies are and help give us some clarity as to these failures to. >> martha: i want to play this 22nd clip. in her interview with cnn she said the measures she took were appropriate given the iranian threat. >> was every element at every part of his from intelligence to counter assault team to detailed agents i mean was every element increased after you learned of this credible threat? >> what we introduced was what we felt was of -- appropriate for the former president and that particular event on that day. >> martha: i mean you could argue just given that statement, she should resign. >> absolutely.

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because she is clearly accepting the risks they were taking and even when you do in retrospect she now knows those risks placed donald trump's life at risk and she is still saying they were appropriate. they were not appropriate. doll trump almost died. when you have a 20-year-old who shows up with a letter and a gun and people identify him like a significant amount of time before he takes a shot at donald trump, clearly there were failures at every level of security and it certainly wasn't sufficient to try to thwart a terrorist attack or iranian sponsored attack. >> martha: i mean their responsibility is not to protect the president are former president, over a certain area of land. it's to protect him. >> rate. is to mitigate risks right? and you can see that the risk including that building and the whole fact she said it wasn't in our purview are degree of his sloped i mean come on. it is outrageous and she needs

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to resign but is to hurt -- disheartening because the system that instigated to such a level that doll trump's life was at risk. >> martha: 100% no one seems to take action doesn't seem to be a factor anymore that you failed at your job and you should step down and let someone else to it especially when your job is to protect the president of the united states or former president for the united states. thank you chairman rogers always good to have you with a spirit thank you, sir. let's go back to get more information on this breaking story this afternoon. local officials in pennsylvania claimed their local enforcement were on hand for traffic duties. seven officers that were told you folks are going to be assigned to the traffic dealing with this rally and advise in the face of what we've been hearing from federal officials to rejoin any of the the phone now is edward talley. butler pennsylvania township commissioner he was elected to that position in 2021 and tells us he does not have a law

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enforcement back on. thank you for being here today mr talley. good to have you with us. >> martha thank you for reaching out to me. >> martha: so tell me what your understanding is about what the local law enforcement's responsibility is. clearly the head of the united states secret service suggested that area would be covered by local officials. >> yes, and honestly martha that's what prompted me to post -- are let the dust settle after an event like this by the prompted me to post on social media platform us in and of course talking to you today that our local butler township police, their duties that were assigned to them, and operational plan detailing all of the, restrict the traffic detail. they were not required or not detailed to any security detail related to the event. strict we traffic obviously to help people coming in and out of

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the event, if there is an emergency type of thanks we saw the number of people and cars at the event. it was so frustrating and i hit my limit quite frankly can last night when i saw again secret service putting response ability on local police to partner. that is absolutely not correct. >> martha: he had the local police department is not the entity in charge of the safety and protection of a president are former president. but once it started to happen, once the shooting began to unfold, the local officers did try to assist and sea if they could do anything right? >> that is absolute correct. local officers that were in the general area, once they had some information chance for to the columns, they went to look for the suspect that was identified and were going around the building. you can see the montevideo, one

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officer and him on the roof. we had two officers. there was no water and the area. i want to correct that, there was no letter in area. but what while officers co*cked one was lifting the other one up, i mean you could see the picture of the roof it is not that steep but to the edge of the roof for them to try to look up and see where the suspect is. the officer being lifted is using both hands to grab the edge of the roof to try to pull himself up. in that process, he exposed himself and the shooter turns and points his gun at him. he is pouring himself up with both hands to will his gun so obviously he fell back and actually in the process of falling back he ending up -- ended up injuring himself. he was retreating. if he was in a position to engage the shooter he would've done so. that message out there is disgusting.

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>> martha: that is new information so thank you for that. last question or you, we are seeing reporting that the parents of thomas crooks reported that he was missing and called local police. can you shed any light on that? >> no i cannot obviously adjust hurt that. kyle say within the last few hours. so i cannot shed any light on that. >> martha: alright thank you very much. commissioner in butler and we appreciate you're calling in today's, sir, thank you. >> thank you martha bye-bye. >> martha: so, a 20th house democrat has now called on the current president joe biden to step aside and let someone else take over nomination for the democratic party. merck teasing, jeff brewer and harold ford junior on the escalating pressure on joe biden to step aside. >> sixteen weeks from tomorrow,

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we kept the votes. it is tough to change a map like this and that amount of time and here is why democrats are so worried, was some way democrats are saying mr president please reconsider and get out of this race because right now, trump is leading here and trump is leading here, leading here. narrowly but he is ahead in those states. truck is leading here. that is 312 electoral votes. donald trump could conceivably if the current dynamics hold in a race, get 330 are more electoral votes. old you forever♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪

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of what is playing out. meanwhile huge contrast to what is happening on the other side. his opponent president biden is under increasing pressure to leave the race. and it is coming from people in his own party. in the congress, his own administration -- not at the white house but people who are on his side clearly. and today democrat congressman adam shipped no the 20th to demand the president drop out of the race. nearly two thirds of democratic voters also say they want president biden to step aside and let someone else take on former president trump. let's bring in our panel mark teasing fox news contributor. jack grew and harold ford junior. harold let me begin with you. does shift moves make a

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difference and you also believe the president needs to step aside and he likely can't win? >> first thank you for having me purchased as a comment i think the secret service should at least be suspended while this investigation is underway and maybe even further. but i think president biden is coming to, he will have to come to accept the growing realization among democrats that he may not have the ability to compete in this election. years had an incredible service journey and should not view that anything adam shipped or anything these members are saying as a statement about his service overall. he is just reached a point in his career like tom brady did when you can't play anymore. i'll use that for having jack brewer on the show. [ laughter ] >> two they realize there are differences between president trump and jd vance and what we stand for as a party. i think there is a growing realization president biden does

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not have the energy are the abilities to make that case. it's all weather fair or unfair a result of what we saw three weeks ago about that debate. since that debate, president trump has offered him another debate and he declined it. he is said several interviews at a press conference where he didn't measure up and it was an embarrassment to her at thank a lot of democrats again are coming to accept reluctantly and painfully that if we expect to win, not only him but if they expect to and we will need a new candidate. >> martha: four months away from election day and very definitive statements coming from a lot of people i want to play this interview from the cbs evening news with president biden. listen very carefully to what he says here. watch. >> doctor came to me and said you've got this problem and that problem but i made a serious mistake in the whole debate and

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look i said i was meant to be a transitional candidate and i thought i'd be able to move from this and pass it on to someone else. but i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, subdivided. there is more to do and i'm reluctant to walk away from that. >> and i haven't heard an address that directly jack burn that when he ran he only intended to stay for long term. >> he never would've said that obviously when he ran. i think now he's getting pressure from not only his family but for those who'd been uplifted because he is come to power. but i think now he is realizing just what the american people are seeing. he has to face it now before you have the left-wing media that really was not showing you truly who joe biden was now we've all seen it. i don't think it is just about joe biden i think it's also about the republican party. the republican party is changing.

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you've seen this entire convention when you have amber rose and some of the most prominent voices in our nation now standing up for donald trump and his message and what it stands for. i think that is really what's happening. i think it sent a shockwave through the democratic party and has created a lot of fear. >> martha: you make great points jack. we've watched people in the media, marc thiessen desolate. one day they think he should leave on the next day they think he should stay. here is a moment from the back-and-forth between congressman andy kim who is probably champing at the bit to take menendez's seat before the election. and watch the dynamic here. >> this is a decision again for the president. >> congressman made the decision congressman, congressman he is made the decision. he is running. he is in it to win it. >> i'm talking about the strategy, that message, how do

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we close out his final points? that's what i want to hear from him. >> martha: so every time somebody opens a question right they say oh let's put it back on the table. you see what happens mark, wait one second. here is the moment we always see at these conventions and this is the former resident donald trump getting ready for his big night. tomorrow night is the night when he will step on the stage and he will give his speech, accepting the nomination of his party. is a huge moment as we know former president trump is always vary detail oriented when it comes to television presentation, what it all should look like. you can see him sort of getting a briefing on what it's going to be like out there. you're thoughts on that marc thiessen? >> joe biden ran in 2020 on a platform of uniting the country and ending the chaos pair tomorrow night donald trump will give a speech on uniting the country and ending the chaos. he is taking joe biden's successful 2020 playbook and

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turning it against him. leah flipped the script in this election. joe biden has unleashed chaos in this country more than anyone thought in 2020 and he is giving us more division then we were thought. so trump will turn that around on him. i don't think it matters whether or not he is on the ticket or not. the democrats, if they removed joe biden, americans are still paying $125 for a 100-dollar basket of groceries. they are still paying 20 or $30 more every time they felt their tanks the problem is not just joe biden and his cognitive decline, it is the policies. the cognitive decline is praise -- proof of the incompetence but policies are what american serbs set about and i think that is why they are stuck in a matter what they do. >> martha: if you're weigh ahead in the polls they be ignoring the cognitive. >> absolutely. >> martha: so you can see this sort of problems that are forcing a lot of these decisions to the forefront.

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mark thank you very much and thank you harold for junior and jack brewer we love having them with us. let's watch this for a second. former president trump taking it all in, getting the feel of the stage here in milwaukee wisconsin where he will except the nomination of his party for the third time tomorrow night here. obviously as i said before he has a great feel for big nights and what they should look like. no doubt he has been working hard to orchestrate this exactly the way he wanted to play out. we saw yesterday jd vance on his walk-through on the stage. and it is his ignite so interesting to see the president each night he has arrived here. he will arrive earlier than the first night tonight as we understand. not sure exactly what time he will arrive here. but he has been soaking it all in and enjoying this process a lot. last that he got to spend some

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time watching the people who ran against him. the government of florida and former governor of south carolina nikki haley stand up and tell people although they argued they should look for them in the beginning part of the process, now they are 100% behind, encouraging them to vote for former president donald trump who wants to be the 47th president after having been the 45th president of the united states. alright let's pause and listen to a little bit of one of the very moving moments from last night. there were many of them that moved the crowd here to tears throughout the course of last evening. a grieving mother getting a standing ovation at the republican national convention here and no walkie. madeleine brame's son just one of the beautiful pictures of him. people at home could not see these photos and we wanted to make sure we share them.

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he survived the war in afghanistan as a veteran only to come back and be stabbed to death in new york city six years ago leaving behind his wife and three children. and a mom who is outraged over how prosecutors handled the case against the perpetrators of her son's murder. watch. >> the democratic party the poor minorities have been loyal to you for decades including myself , they betrayed us. they stabbed us in the back. joe biden and kamala harris claimed to represent us have abandoned us. donald trump shows our values, global thought and family and country. let's make america safe again. [ cheering ]

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and reelect our donald j. trump. [ cheering and applause ] >> martha: madeleine brame here with me now along with former republican congressman who and for governor to lisa go madeleine you brought the house down last night it was extraordinarily moving. i was sitting up with a panel of people who have seen many conventions. and he were extraordinary. you reached people last night in a very big way. how did that feel up there? >> it was amazing, it was exhilarating. it was exciting and it was energetic. and it was something that was spirit filled. you know, everybody was so engaged and so receptive and open to the message. that is what it's all about, you know, being able to connect with

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people. >> martha: you went after often bragged and blamed him for some of the treatment of you and your family after the murder of your son and you compared what president trump has gone through in his experience with that. expand on the look but for us. >> there are two key things there. to making up of bogus charges okay? mary saunders the sister involved in her son's murder, he made up a charge of assault with a shoe. be dismissed better and gang assault, the highest felonies in the land all the way down to an e. felony assault with a shoe. not even in a penal hold. look for assault with issues and sea if you find it. we still don't even know what president trump is even charged with. he is making up the list charges as he goes along. and it started as soon as he

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came into office. that was part of his strategy and his game on. >> when you said, you know, my eyes are open now and you talked about having been a democrat voter and how you believe the democrat voter has -- party has taken voters like you for granted. how did that realization come to you? taught us about that. >> after hassan was killed and i found myself in a situation dealing with the manhattan criminal court system tried to get justice. the entire new york city back the whole entire apparatus, the sea of chocolate eric adams ran by democrats. i went to all of them for help, help me and support me, you know, none of them. they all turned their back on me because hassan was stabbed to death and shot to death. has sent story didn't fit therein navigation they wanted nothing to do with me right?

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i sat in those courtrooms, the same dark dreary cold musty courtrooms that donald trump president trump sat in her five years. so i could identify what he felt when there was a report that came out a few months ago about how dreary and dark and cold. when i heard that it resonated with me because that was me providers. you know, no one wants to feel that. >> martha: you feel like a number. >> you feel like a nobody. they identified hassan as deceased and a fictitious character. he doesn't even exist. the most important people where the people who killed him in that courtroom. >> martha: these eldon, you know, you're thoughts on madeleine's speech last night. there were a number of moving speeches last night and it does paint a picture of a changing republican party out there.

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>> so on monday night when president trump first came out it was one of the most powerful card beautiful, emotional things i've experienced inside politics are out. it was the first night for me as a relates to last night, madeleine's speech blew it away. it was pain that was real, emotion that was deep. madeleine, yes is speaking on behalf of other victims families, but she is speaking through her own pain and her own extremes. i think there are a lot of undecided voters out there. americans who've been voting a certain way for so long and they are realizing after hearing madeleine that you don't have to always vote for a party that's been taken for granted. you don't always have to go down the same path that is resulting in crime and a city being eroded. i think madeleine's moment is something that will connect with many in blue cities, read cities, all across this entire country.

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and there are many others who go through that pain and can't bring themselves to talk about it. that is okay people deal with the differently but madeleine has an unlimited amount of courage to speak so passionately. cabo sue for it was the highlight of the night for me. >> martha: the national review said i found her speech absolutely captivating. there are lifetime politicians who cannot hope to match what she did tonight. what do you think about that? have you always felt that you have the capacity to speak in a public forum that way that you did last may? because there are people who go to ivy league schools and writers are paid to right for them and they cannot nail it the way you did and move people. >> first of all, i wouldn't wish what i went through on anyone. >> martha: of course not. >> that comes from a place of deep, deep pain and deep, the law are a child.

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right? only a mother can understand that types of fierceness. i feel like i have to continue to try to fight and defend my son, alright, for the nine times eva stepped. four tanto 6 inches deep. i feel that pain. every time i sit in the courtroom and had to fight for justice or, you know, they disregarded me or shuttered me i felt like my boy was being stamped nine times all over again. i wouldn't wish that on anyone that's where the fight comes from. and unless you are that person, that mom, i don't know what to tell anyone else. i don't know where that comes from. it comes from something that is supernatural, it's not human because losing a child is not natural. this is something that is not natural, you know, in and of

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myself i wouldn't be able to stand up and fight i wouldn't. like so many mothers going through deep -- depressions they don't have anything in them to fight. >> army honourees to patriot. >> one hundred%. we thank you and we agree with you for your beautiful son and has mothers we can feel your pain nowhere near what you've been through but we're grateful to you for being here today. and we seldom think of rejoining is. thank you for moving something and all of us last night. >> thank you. >> martha: breaking moments ago special counsel jack smith appealed the judge's ruling, throwing out former president donald trump's document skates. he said smith was unlawfully appointed. it goes against what the previous courts have ruled he said, so now the bottle goes to the appeals court. as you just saw, former president donald trump here at the rnc doing his walk-through ahead of his big speech tonic.

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's vise presidential pick jd vance is just hours away from giving biggest speech of his life. laura ingram is here, host of the ingrown angle. great to see you think rejoining us this afternoon. >> hello martha good to see you. >> martha: so, you're thoughts on tonight? and on jd vance and his role in the party and what you think this signifies. there are lots of people tussling over who it should be, a lot of strong opinions about it. what does it signal to you? >> donald trump is offering from a position of what he perceives to be great strength. i think in the end he probably decided i don't want to take a chance on there being a 12th amendment problem with marco rubio. helix have a lot. he wasn't sure about someone who hadn't touched the bright white hot spotlight of washington which jd vance had walked in. that would be buried in. so i think with jd vance it is his legacy. he is probably taking at least

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probably a top contender for 2028, or a nominee in 2028 for the party and he didn't want to have a constant fight about the primary issues that motivate him such as trade, china, the border, foreign policy period he sees jd vance as someone he can work with and sharpen his agenda through congress. >> martha: you see on the other side of the political aisle the knives are out long for jd vance enthusiastic about this pic because they think it's something they can dig their teeth into. elizabeth moran, senator, talking about hidden. >> remember with jd vance he has said about abortion, no exception for rape or incest. remember he is from ohio for a ten year old girl who'd been raped could not get the medical care that she needed. and jd vance says that's how it should be for everybody in america. >> martha: you played on your

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show some other reaction last night. clara miscast -- claire mccaskill and others. >> what also they going to do, they have to defend joe biden's record which they are not even trying to. i think for women watching across the country, they had to remember that jd vance was raised by a strong female president -- presence, his grandmother. he endured what he saw was domestic abuse and drug abuse from that part of his mother. poverty. then a work ethic, personal responsibility, putting his way through gail law school. top of his class and going to be a senator. if that is a story you want to take on with the same old washington talking points i guess they can try. i don't dig its going to be as successful as they might have hoped because his personal story i think and his intellect is going to transcend a lot of the old talking points. i understand the abortion issue is divisive in the country.

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i believe his point with the president we'll be its a state issue and the states will deal with this and it's complicated but the states are dealing with it. some states like kansas are actually coming out on another side than people thought. more on the pro-choice side. i think in the end, that's going to be okay with most people. i think it's a pretty cycle for that to be you're number 1 issue at an election about the economy and the border. >> martha: it feels like there are such larger compelling issues commanding people's attention. and obviously it's a very important issue to some people. last night we saw nikki haley and i'm curious about you're thoughts on that more of. people supported her quite a bit and thought the winning combination would be her and president trump. they could see their way getting back to some of the animosities on the campaign she would help to bring in some of those on the fence like suburban women voters for lack of better description. >> i think she's still well bring in some of those people.

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i think her speech was strong last night. it speaks to donald trump's ability to ultimately win this debate in the party. this debate in the party has been going on for 30 years at least since the tea party let's say the last 15 years. for now they have won that debate. ma change in the next election cycle, i don't think so but it might. nikki haley will certainly be the leader of the more established in the gop but for now the party, "people, minorities and working-class folks seem to be more aligned to a more realistic and common sense approach to foreign policy. not isolation but more commonsense, more trade more pro- american trade and certainly tough on the border. i think it is a wildly popular agenda. you saw from these speakers, model and brain i think she came on angle a couple years back i cried about her story i know america cries about the victims of crime all over our country

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and she is a powerful voice. those women i would watch those stories and this commission. >> martha: you know, you try to create that kind of emotion a usually doesn't work at conventions. that was extraordinarily compelling. i've got like 20 seconds do you think joe biden will last as a nominee? >> i think you should never underestimate the stubbornness and selfishness of joe biden and his family. they are going to hang on. >> martha: thank you laura we deceive. on a new episode of the angle story podcast i sat down with chief political analyst brett heenan who is covered in mention since 1986 we hat discussion and historical perspective and a great talk about what's happening today. and what is at stake for former president donald trump ill >> very strong resistance to donald trump. we judge this convention and what he says and does, and must be judged

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in political terms. what is he doing that would overcome the doubts of people who might overlook biden's condition or look for an alternative? >> hitting on the unifying theme that we expect to hear quite a bit about tomorrow night from former president trump. scan the qr code on your screen and download the untold story or go to foxnews one of the great things about being in these convention environments is that we all get to see each other all day long and talk to each other and it is a wonderful way to digeverody is g there are some very smart colleagues it is my pleasure to spend this week with all of them so far this week we have a lot to come. that is the story for today. look for special coverage tonight. rep will join you at 9:00 here, 10:00 on the east coast. we will see you later this evening have a great night. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]

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